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Meet Our Team at Quality 1st Aluminum

At Quality 1st Aluminum, we are a local, family-owned and operated business with over 30 years of knowledge and industry experience. Servicing both Flagler and St. John’s Counties, we strive to provide the highest quality outdoor enclosures to those in our community. Well-known in the screen enclosure business throughout the Palm Coast, our company takes pride in enriching the lives of families by creating comfortable, gorgeously-designed outdoor settings designed to last a lifetime. We don’t just build enclosures – we remain committed to enhancing homes with cozy, stylish living spaces where memorable moments are made. If you are interested in an enclosure for your home, explore our gallery to inspire your ideas and get in touch for a free estimate today!

covered porches

Creating Stunning Outdoor Spaces That Last a Lifetime

When Flagler and St. John Counties homeowners plan on investing in a new screened enclosure, they take comfort knowing they can turn to Quality 1st Aluminum for the highest standards in craftsmanship and world-class service. Our team possesses a wealth of expertise and is comprised of in-house employees dedicated to providing personalized, full-service solutions throughout every phase of a home improvement project. If you’re ready to elevate the value, functionality, and curb appeal of your property, get in touch with us today to get started.

  • Screen Enclosures
  • Patios & Lanais
  • Covered Patios & Porches
  • Sunrooms
  • Clearview Screens
  • Privacy Screens
  • Pet Screens
  • Pool Enclosures
  • Awnings
  • Cable Railings
  • Screen Repairs

Our Name Says It All

We believe an elegant new enclosure is the perfect way to spend quality time outdoors in the comfort of one of your life’s biggest investments – your family’s home. From precision screen repairs to complete design and construction, our team at Quality 1st Aluminum is up to the task, no matter the scope or complexity. We proudly source only the highest quality materials and are invested in crafting beautiful, resilient outdoor living spaces Florida families can enjoy for many years to come. If you are interested in an outdoor enclosure for your home, call us or fill out our online form today. We offer complimentary, no-obligation estimates on new screen enclosures, replacements, and repairs, and look forward to serving you!

Call Today for a Free Estimate!